"Big Day" Birding Contest
as part of the Bird Friendly London Migration Festival

WHAT’S A “BIG DAY”? A bird watching “Big Day” is a 24-hour period during which a bird watcher tries to see or hear and positively identify as many different bird species as possible in a defined geographic area. Feel free to share your photos with us on social media by tagging us on Twitter @BirdFriendlyLdn or Instagram @BirdFriendlyLondon or posting in the Facebook group.
WHEN: Pick any 24-hour period between 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, May 5, 2022 (the first day of the Bird Friendly London Migration Festival) and noon on Sunday, May 8, 2022 (the last day of the Festival).
WHERE: Identify and record the species that you see or hear in London and Middlesex County during the 24-hour period that you have chosen.
RESULTS: By 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 8, 2022, send an email (or if you are under 18 years of age have your parent or guardian send an email) to londonbirdteam@gmail.com with:
“Big Day” in the Subject line;
your name (and, if you have one, your Twitter or Instagram handle);
the start time of your 24-hour “Big Day”;
total number of species seen;
one or more of your bird highlights;
your completed list(s) (e.g., attached your checklist or include eBird checklist numbers, etc.)
THE PRIZE: All entries will be acknowledged on or by May 8. The birder with the most species seen will be declared the “Big Day” champion and will receive a copy of the new Firefly Press book 100 Flying Birds: Photographing the Mechanics of Flight by Peter Cavanagh AND a 6-pack of cans from the London Brewing Co-op Bird Friendly Beer Series (will be substituted if winner is below legal drinking age). The “Big Day” champion will be contacted by email. The top three results will be posted on Bird Friendly London social media. Bird Friendly London’s decision will be final.