Observing and Photographing Wildlife
Protecting Our Feathered Friends: A Guide to Bird Safety in New Developments for Public Input
What was your 2023 London/Middlesex Bird of the Year?
Tricolored Heron puts in a first-ever Middlesex appearance
The bird watcher’s lexicon
Can bird watching be gamified?
Back Door Birding
April bird watching is promise of even more spring arrivals
Here come the bird festivals
Try some online quizzes to up your birding game
Owls: To post or not to post?
Don’t sleep on the winter birds
Circle mid-February for the Great Backyard Bird Count
If the Canada Goose is the classic migrating species, why do I see so many through the winter?
Check each flocking bird
The London/Middlesex 2022 Bird of the Year
What's slithering at London City Hall? Background on the Reptilia Zoo
Christmas Bird Counts then and now
New books offer something for every bird lover
A Tale of 2 Yards - One Species - Birds East and West