London, ON has a new official City Bird: the Northern Cardinal
Learn more about this charismatic songbird on its Species Profile
In celebration of our City Bird, in the late summer of 2021 we invited the public to submit their Cardinal-themed photographs and artwork to our City Bird art competition. The competition was judged collaboratively by three judges from the community: Anita Bidinosti (Museum London), Tina Do (London Environmental Network) and Paul Nicholson.
From the many dozens of excellent submissions, our panel of judges selected three winners:
1. Artist: Beth Stewart | Title: "Cardinal Nest with Male", coloured pencil on museum board.
2. Photographer: Carol MacKenzie | Title: "Female Cardinal in Spring"
3. Photographer: David Rodenhiser | Title: "A collection of Northern Cardinals from #BirdFriendlyLdn"
The winners received prize packs that were generously provided by Salthaven, London Environmental Network, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority and Featherfields Bird and Garden Store.
Their winning artworks are shown in order in the gallery below (click the arrow on the side to scroll through):
This page celebrates the cultural importance of Northern Cardinals to the identity of the Forest City. We are excited to feature all of the submissions from our competition below. Thank you to everyone who entered! If you have Cardinal-themed artwork that you would like to see included on this page, please email it to us.