Join the London, Ontario team for Global Bird Rescue 2022

Global Bird Rescue is an annual event hosted by FLAP Canada to raise awareness about one of the leading causes of bird deaths across the globe: collisions with buildings. Each year in late September/early October, teams and individuals take to the streets to search for and rescue birds that have collided with buildings in their communities. A major aim of the event is to inspire participants to protect local and migrating birds by making windows bird-safe.
Using the Global Bird Collision Mapper, participants are able to report the location, status, species, and photos of the birds they rescue or recover. This community science tool shows every reported collision on its interactive GIS map in real time, providing invaluable data for a greater understanding of the bird-building collision issue.
Additionally, by encouraging people to search for birds, we hope to increase the chances of finding live birds sooner, increasing the likelihood that they will be successfully rehabilitated and released.
Global Bird Rescue is now in its fifth year and is steadily gaining momentum! Last year a total of 517 birds were rescued during the event. Fifty teams from twelve different countries reported a total of 1764 collisions. Last year, Bird Friendly London participated in Global Bird Rescue for the first time and provided data in a report that was presented to the municipal government
All participants are encouraged to review the entire Global Bird Rescue Manual provided by FLAP Canada. In particular, please review Page 5 Roles of the Participant for information about how to prepare for the event.
Additionally, if you wish to receive email updates from the London Bird Team with more information about building monitoring in London, such as suggested monitoring routes, please sign up using the form below. If the form below isn't working, click here.